Student Information and Communications Administrative Assistant position is open. Please apply online through Skyward. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Barry. https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsfinhalsteadks/rapplmnu03.w

Driver's Education Enrollment is due by Friday, April 14th. Pick up enrollment forms at either the middle school or high school office.

Student Information and Communications Administrative Assistant position is open. Please apply online through Skyward. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Barry.

Check out this great reading resource!

Did you know Newton has an adult learning center where you can earn your high school diploma? Check it out!

USD #440 Parents and Community Members,
We are gathering information for our next accreditation cycle and we would love to hear from you! Please fill out this short survey and let us know how we are doing. We will be using your responses to assist us in creating goals for school improvement. Please submit your answers before December 14th, 2022.

BACK TO SCHOOL BLAST --- Tuesday, August 2nd, Noon to 8:00 pm at HHS.
Come meet our administrative staff, complete enrollment, pay for fees, deposit funds for meals, find information for the start of the school year, have access to a variety of community organizations, and so much more!
Those that attend will receive a $25 discount on student fees for each student that they enroll.

School Supply lists are out! You can also find them on the website under the Enrollment Page.

The Food Service Application is now open for the 2022-2023 school year. Follow this link to complete the application:
If you complete the application now, you do not need to complete it during Online Registration.

USD 440 is launching a new mobile app to help
students, parents, and community members know
what is happening on campus from their phones.
Most families use their phones as a primary means of
communication, so we've created an app that is
custom-built to your school for smartphones. On the
app, your students, parents, and community can read
the latest announcements, locate staff contact
information, review upcoming events, and find
important documents. The USD 440 app is available
to download free from the Apple App Store or the
Google Play store.
Three Main Benefits:
1.Stay up-to-date with school announcements
2. Learn about upcoming events
3. Access needed contact information quickly

April 2022 Menus are attached!

We're having fun training today!

Our Professional Development Council and our Apple Professional Learning Support team conducting a joint meeting to plan our PD days. Empower your people and great things will happen! #440Proud #Learn2Grow

Never stop learning. On our last PD day, teachers were given the opportunity to request a book of their choosing for their own professional learning. THIS is what they ordered. #440PROUD #Learn2Grow

Dr. Barry stopped by our STEM classroom and found some @tinkercad experts in 2nd grade at BPS! I think we have some future engineers in the group! #icancreate #BPSPride #440Proud