Health Ministires Clinic is offering Flu Shots

HHS Mini Cheer Clinic

We will have our "Once a Dragon Always a Dragon" shirts available for those parents who attended the Back to School Blast and provided shirt sizes. We will have a table set up in the Hall of Fame section of the High School where you will be able to pick up those shirts.
USD 440

Once a Dragon Always a Dragon Shirt pick up
*Please note this is only if you attended Back to School Blast and placed an order
Pick will be:
Big Blue Night 5:00-6:00pm in the Hall of Fame Hallway

We are so excited to see all the kids in the building tomorrow. Here is to a FANTASTIC year!!!1

Join us at our Back to School Blast and receive a FREE Dragons shirt.
August 1st noon-8pm

Join at the Back to School Blast
August 1 noon-8:00pm
Receive a FREE Dragon shirt

Staff LETRS Training Info:
This Friday's LETRS session (unit 7) will be from 8:00am to 3:00pm with a one hour lunch break.
Location is HHS Main gym
Please bring your ELA or content curriculum materials as you will be planning a lesson using the Comprehension Planning Checklist template.
Contact Mrs. Carr if you have any questions.

Online Registration is now open.

Online registration will open July 18
New Students can enroll now and then register July 18

Don't forget we offer FREE meals, breakfast and lunch, through July 26th.
July Menus

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 25-2022 of a vacancy in the membership ofthe Board of Education of Unified School District No. 440, Harvey County, Kansas, and that such vacancywill be filled by appointment of the Board of Education not sooner than fifteen (15) days following publication of this notice. The appointed member will serve until the next general school board election. Such vacancy exists by reasons of the resignation of Joel Flory, who was the at-large representative. To become a candidate for this vacancy, please send a letter of interest to Susan Adams, Board Clerk, USD 440, 521 West 6th St., Halstead, KS. By order of the Board of Education, Unified School District No. 440, Harvey County, Kansas. June 10, 2024.

July Menus

We will be holding Unit 6 LETRS training this Friday at HMS.
Grades K-4th will meet in the library.
Grades 5th-12th will meet in the band room.
Please let Mrs. Carr know if you have any questions.

June 3-5
Session 1: 1st-4th Grade 9:00-10:30am - HMS Aux Gym(South)
Session 2: 5th-8th Grade 11:00-12:30pm-HHS Main Gym
Session 1: 5th-8th Grade 9:00-10:30am at HHS Main Gym
Session 2: 1st-4th Grade 11:00-12:30pm at HMS Aux Gym (South)

June Meals

The location for Driver's Ed has been moved to Halstead Middle School. Students may use the 7th/8th grade entrance at the southwest corner of the building.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Today we celebrate the lives of two incredible women, Carol Holmes and Shelly Loganbill, who have devoted more than 36 years to the education of our district’s students. Their dedication has made a difference not only in the lives of our students, but also in our community and in the world. There is no way to measure the impact they have had on so many lives through the years they have taught our students. Teaching is not a job for the faint of heart and these women have exemplified the strength, compassion, love and heart that comes with being an educator. We are truly so grateful for their years of service here at Halstead Bentley USD 440. Words just don't do them justice. Congratulations to them both on their much deserved retirement. You both will be missed.